Compilation Hooks


The main compilation logic of Rspack runs on the Rust side. For factors such as stability, performance, and architecture, after the Rust side compilation objects are transferred to the JavaScript side when using hooks, the modifications on these objects will not be synchronized to the Rust side. Therefore, most of hooks are "read-only".



Triggered before a module build has started。

  • Type: SyncHook<[Module]>
  • Arguments:
    • Module: module instance
type Module = {
  context?: string;
  resource?: string;
  request?: string;
  userRequest?: string;
  rawRequest?: string;
  factoryMeta?: JsFactoryMeta;
  buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
  buildMeta: Record<string, any>;
  originalSource(): {
    isRaw: boolean;
    isBuffer: boolean;
    source: Buffer;
    map?: Buffer;
  } | null;
  identifier(): string;
  nameForCondition(): string | null;



If there exists compiled-time execution modules, this hook will be called when they are executed.

  • Type: SyncHook<[ExecuteModuleArgument, ExecuteModuleContext]>
  • Arguments:
    • ExecuteModuleArgument: arguments of compiled-time execution module
    • ExecuteModuleContext: context of compiled-time execution module
type ExecuteModuleArgument = {
  codeGenerationResult: {
    get(sourceType: string): string;
  moduleObject: {
    id: string;
    exports: any;
    loaded: boolean;
    error?: Error;

type ExecuteModuleContext = {
  __webpack_require__: (id: string) => any;



Executed when a module has been built successfully.

  • Type: SyncHook<[Module]>
  • Arguments:
    • Module: module instance



Called when all modules have been built without errors.

  • Type: AsyncSeriesHook<[Module[]]>
  • Arguments:
    • Module[]: List of module instances



Called at the beginning of the module optimization phase.

  • Type: SyncBailHook<[Module[]]>
  • Arguments:
    • Module[]: list of module instances



Called after modules optimization has completed.

  • Type: SyncBailHook<[Module[]]>
  • Arguments:
    • Module[]: list of module instances



Called before optimizing the dependency tree.

  • Type: AsyncSeriesHook<[Chunk[], Module[]]>
  • Arguments:
    • Chunk[]: list of chunk instances
    • Module[]: list of module instances
type Chunk = {
  name?: string;
  id?: string;
  ids: string[];
  idNameHints: string[];
  filenameTemplate?: string;
  cssFilenameTemplate?: string;
  files: Set<string>;
  runtime: Set<string>;
  hash?: string;
  contentHash: Record<string, string>;
  renderedHash?: string;
  chunkReason?: string;
  auxiliaryFiles: Set<string>;
  isOnlyInitial(): boolean;
  canBeInitial(): boolean;
  hasRuntime(): boolean;
  groupsIterable: Set<ChunkGroup>;
  getAllAsyncChunks(): Set<Chunk>;
  getAllInitialChunks(): Set<Chunk>;
  getAllReferencedChunks(): Set<Chunk>;



Called after the tree optimization, at the beginning of the chunk modules optimization.

  • Type: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[Chunk[], Module[]]>
  • Arguments:
    • Chunk[]: list of chunk instances
    • Module[]: list of module instances



Called after the tree runtime requirements collection.

  • Type: SyncHook<[Chunk, Set<RuntimeGlobals>]>
  • Arguments:
    • Chunk: chunk instance
    • Set<RuntimeGlobals>: runtime requirements
enum RuntimeGlobals {}



Called after a runtime module is added into the compilation.

  • Type: SyncHook<[RuntimeModule, Chunk]>
  • Arguments:
    • RuntimeModule: runtime module instance
    • Chunk: chunk instance
type RuntimeModule = {
  source?: {
    isRaw: boolean;
    isBuffer: boolean;
    source: Buffer;
    map?: Buffer;
  moduleIdentifier: string;
  constructorName: string;
  name: string;


Process the assets before emit.

  • Type: AsyncSeriesHook<Assets>
  • Hook parameters:
    • name: string — a name of the plugin
    • stage: Stage — a stage to tap into (see the process assets stages below)
  • Arguments:
    • assets: Assets: a plain object, where key is the asset's pathname, and the value is data of the asset represented by the Source.
type Assets = Record<
    source(): string | ArrayBuffer;
    buffer(): Buffer;
    size(): number;
    map(options?: MapOptions): RawSourceMap | null;
    sourceAndMap(options?: MapOptions): SourceAndMapResult;

Process assets examples

  • Emit a new asset in the PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONAL stage:
compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap('MyPlugin', compilation => {
      name: 'MyPlugin',
      stage: compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONAL,
    assets => {
      const { RawSource } = compiler.webpack.sources;
      const source = new RawSource('This is a new asset!');
      compilation.emitAsset('new-asset.txt', source);
  • Updating an existing asset:
compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap('MyPlugin', compilation => {
      name: 'MyPlugin',
      stage: compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONS,
    assets => {
      const asset = assets['foo.js'];
      if (!asset) {

      const { RawSource } = compiler.webpack.sources;
      const oldContent = asset.source();
      const newContent = oldContent + '\nconsole.log("hello world!")';
      const source = new RawSource(newContent);

      compilation.updateAsset(assetName, source);
  • Removing an asset:
compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap('MyPlugin', compilation => {
      name: 'MyPlugin',
      stage: compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE,
    assets => {
      const assetName = 'unwanted-script.js';
      if (assets[assetName]) {

Process assets stages

Here's the list of supported stages. Rspack will execute these stages sequentially from top to bottom. Please select the appropriate stage based on the operation you need to perform.

  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONAL — add additional assets to the compilation.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_PRE_PROCESS — basic preprocessing of the assets.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_DERIVED — derive new assets from the existing assets.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ADDITIONS — add additional sections to the existing assets e.g. banner or initialization code.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE — optimize existing assets in a general way.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_COUNT — optimize the count of existing assets, e.g. by merging them.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_COMPATIBILITY — optimize the compatibility of existing assets, e.g. add polyfills or vendor prefixes.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_SIZE — optimize the size of existing assets, e.g. by minimizing or omitting whitespace.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_DEV_TOOLING — add development tooling to the assets, e.g. by extracting a source map.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_INLINE — optimize the numbers of existing assets by inlining assets into other assets.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_SUMMARIZE — summarize the list of existing assets.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_HASH — optimize the hashes of the assets, e.g. by generating real hashes of the asset content.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_TRANSFER — optimize the transfer of existing assets, e.g. by preparing a compressed (gzip) file as separate asset.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ANALYSE — analyze the existing assets.
  • PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_REPORT — creating assets for the reporting purposes.



Called after the processAssets hook had finished without error.

  • Type: SyncHook<Assets>
  • Arguments:
    • Assets: list of asset instances



Called after the seal phase.

  • Type: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>



Triggered to emit the hash for each chunk.

  • Type: SyncHook<[Chunk, Hash]>
  • Arguments:
    • Chunk: chunk instance
    • Hash: chunk hash instance
type Hash = {
  update(data: string | Buffer, inputEncoding?: string): Hash;
  digest(encoding?: string): string | Buffer;



Triggered when an asset from a chunk was added to the compilation.

  • Type: SyncHook<[Chunk, string]>
  • Arguments:
    • Chunk: chunk instance
    • string: asset filename



Executed after setting up a child compiler.

  • Type: SyncHook<[Compiler, string, number]>
  • Arguments:
    • Compiler: child compiler instance
    • string: child compiler name
    • number: child compiler index



This hook is like a list of actions that gets triggered when a preset is used. It takes in an options object. When a plugin manages a preset, it should change settings in this object carefully without replacing existing ones.

  • Type: SyncHook<[Partial<StatsOptions>, CreateStatsOptionsContext]>
  • Arguments:
    • Partial<StatsOptions>: stats options
    • CreateStatsOptionsContext: stats context
type StatsOptions = {
  // `stats` in compiler options

type CreateStatsOptionsContext = {
  forToString?: boolean;
  [key: string]: any;

Here's an illustrative plugin example:

compilation.hooks.statsPreset.for('my-preset').tap('MyPlugin', options => {
  if (options.all === undefined) options.all = true;

This plugin ensures that for the preset "my-preset", if the all option is undefined, it defaults to true.



This hook is used to transform an options object into a consistent format that can be easily used by subsequent hooks. It also ensures that missing options are set to their default values.

  • Type: SyncHook<[Partial<StatsOptions>, CreateStatsOptionsContext]>
  • Arguments:
    • Partial<StatsOptions>: stats options
    • CreateStatsOptionsContext: stats context

Here's an illustrative plugin example:

compilation.hooks.statsNormalize.tap('MyPlugin', options => {
  if (options.myOption === undefined) options.myOption = [];

  if (!Array.isArray(options.myOption)) options.myOptions = [options.myOptions];

In this plugin, if the myOption is missing, it sets it to []. Additionally, it ensures that myOption is always an array even if it was originally defined as a single value.



This hook provides access to the StatsFactory class for specific options.

  • Type: SyncHook<[StatsFactory, StatsOptions]>
  • Arguments:
    • StatsFactory: stats factory instance, see Stats Factory Hooks for more details
    • StatsOptions: stats options
type StatsFactory = {
  hooks: StatsFactoryHooks;
    type: string,
    data: any,
    baseContext: Omit<StatsFactoryContext, 'type'>,
  ): void;



This hook provides access to the StatsPrinter class for specific options.

  • Type: SyncHook<[StatsPrinter, StatsOptions]>
  • Arguments:
    • StatsPrinter: stats printer instance, see Stats Printer Hooks for more details.
    • StatsOptions: stats options
type StatsPrinter = {
  hooks: StatsPrinterHooks;
    type: string,
    object: {
      [key: string]: any;
    baseContext?: {
      [key: string]: any;
  ): string;